
Welcome to MuttSchool

We put the GOOD in good dog!

Beyond mere pets, dogs occupy a treasured spot within our families. At MuttSchool, we help you transform your dog into the canine companion you’ve always wanted by building lasting bonds based on mutual trust and respect instead of pain, fear, and intimidation. MuttSchool’s Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT) have the experience and education to help you get the training results you’ve been looking for. Guided by LIMA (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) dog training methods, our trainers seek to foster a lifelong partnership between you and your canine companion.

MuttSchool instructors lay the foundation for a rewarding and enduring relationship between you and your dog by blending modern training methods and a profound understanding of the human-dog dynamic. Utilizing our diverse range of services, we can tailor a training plan that aligns perfectly with your goals for your dog’s training. The outcome? A well-behaved, confident canine that enriches your life and becomes an integral part of your family dynamics.

Why Choose MuttSchool?

  • 15+ Years in Business
  • Trained over 6,000 dogs in Kansas
  • CPDT-Certified Dog Trainers
  • Educated and experienced Instructors
  • Scientifically-based training methods
  • Licensed, Bonded and Insured
  • First aid prepared

Ready to start training?

Sign up for an evaluation!

If you’re new to MuttSchool, we highly recommend starting with an evaluation. You and your dog will have the opportunity to meet with one of our professional trainers, who will address your concerns about your dog’s current training level and behavior. We will walk your dog through a 15-part “hands-on,” data-driven assessment, giving us a baseline for your dog’s training journey. This 90-minute evaluation allows us to gain insights into your dog’s behavior, handling tolerances, capacity for learning, marker training techniques, and setting training goals. We’ll also help you choose services that fit your schedule, budget, and dog’s unique personality and needs. We will send you home with some basic skills to get you started training with your dog immediately.

This evaluation empowers you with knowledge and equips you with the necessary tools for a good start on your dog’s training journey.

MuttSchool serves towns in northeastern Kansas along the I-70 corridor, including Manhattan, Junction City, Ft. Riley, St. Marys, Wamego, Silver Lake, Topeka, Abilene, and Salina. Travel Fees may apply.

MuttSchool in Kansas | Force-free, science-based dog training by Certified Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT). We utilize LIMA dog training methods. MuttSchool instructors teach you how to build positive relationships with your dog and how to train without using fear, pain or coercion.

Our Training Approach and Philosophy

Creating a lifelong partnership between you and your dog.

At MuttSchool, we believe that every dog is unique, and their training plan should be tailored to their individual needs, temperament and learning style. We adjust our approach for each dog to maximize success while considering any behavioral challenges or specific goals you may have.

MuttSchool’s professional trainers utilize the latest scientific research on dog behavior, staying abreast of advancements in the field to ensure that our techniques are not only safe and humane but also proven to work. We focus on reinforcing desired behaviors with fun games, rewards and lots of praise, creating positive associations that motivate your dog to want to learn and engage. This approach not only leads to faster learning but also fosters a trusting and cooperative relationship between you and your dog. 

We’re not just dog trainers – we’re partners in your dog’s development. Our commitment to compassionate, effective, and science-based training ensures that you and your dog receive the best possible education while giving you the tools to continue your dog’s training outside of the classroom.

You have a team of professional trainers working for you and your dog.

Learn more about your MuttSchool instructors:

We combine our love for animals with education and experience. Our instructors proudly display their credentials, setting us apart in an industry where not all trainers carry certifications. Whether certified or in the process of accumulating training hours required to take the rigorous Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CPDT) exams, our instructors exemplify mastery in humane, science-based dog training practices. Our dedication to yearly continuing education fortifies this commitment, ensuring that our clients benefit from the latest insights. With this background, our trainers create a supportive environment where learning is enjoyable for both you and your dog. 

Here are some of the organizations we're affiliated with and the certifications our trainers have earned:

Certified Dog Training Professionals



B.A. • CPDT-KSA • KPA CTP • CGC Evaluator • Service Dog Coach (SDC) • Fear Free Certified Professional–Trainer (FFCP) • DMWYD Certified Trick Dog Instructor • Canine Behavior Consultant • Usui Reiki Master and Animal Practitioner

“Behind every success I claim is a trail of pawprints leading to the dogs who’ve been my silent mentors”



B.S. • CPDT-KSA • Karen Pryor Academy • CGC Evaluator • Service Dog Coach (SDC) 

“Teaching a dog is not just about shaping behaviors; it’s about shaping the lives and futures of dogs and their humans.”



CPDT-KSA • CGC Evaluator, Tricks Evaluator and Temperament Tester • KPA Foundations

“Through training, dogs and their handlers become each other’s greatest teachers, cheerleaders and champions.”



B.S. in psychology, CPDT-KA

“Dog trainers nurture a dog’s potential through patience, problem-solving and respect.”

Mutt Wranglers


“Behind every well-mannered dog is a trainer who believed in their potential.”


“Empower dogs through training, and they’ll inspire you with their brilliance.”


“Training is a gift – unwrap it with enthusiasm and wonder.”



“A well-trained dog isn’t just a reflection of your teaching; it’s a mirror of your character.”


“A trainer’s love language is spoken in treats, pats, and joyful barks.”


“In the world of training, every ‘aha’ moment is a spark of brilliance.”


“Dog training is the lifeline that transforms ‘unwanted’ into ‘unforgettable.'”

Salina Dog Training Professionals




“Training doesn’t just transform dogs; it transforms lives.”




“With a click and a treat, you unlock the doors to a dog’s potential.”


A bite-sized menu of our services
Do you have a new puppy?Fetch more info
Are you ready to give your new furry family member the best start in life? Find out more about our age-appropriate puppy group classes.
While you're away, we train your dog.Fetch more info
At DaySchool, we're not just a daycare – we are a training center committed to nurturing your dog's full potential. Our experienced trainers engage your dog's mind and body through personalized training sessions, exercise, fostering skill development and focusing on behavioral improvement.
No waiting! Start class this week.Fetch more info
Join a group class as soon as you sign up. Attend 6 consecutive weeks of classes to earn a commemorative ribbon and 10% off the next grade level.
Personal training for your dog!Fetch more info
At MuttSchool, our private lessons are your dog's pathway to personalized growth. Our experienced trainers tailor each session to your dog's unique needs, ensuring a focused and effective learning experience for you and your dog.
Unleash your dog's inner explorer.fetch more info
Discover amazing things you and your dog can do together. Make your dog a "Discovery Dog" and try out a new dog sport.
Changing Behavior, Changes Livesfetch more info
Our Behavior Modification Program is your dog's path to lasting change. At MuttSchool, we understand the complexity of dog behavior issues and how they can affect your household.

Special Events

Don't 'paws' any longer! Click to add these dates to your calendar!

Enjoy a diverse array of special events, workshops, and specialty classes offered on a monthly basis. Led by our professional dog trainers, these experiences are designed to foster a better relationship with your dog. Discover a wealth of insights, techniques and just plain old fun activities as our experts share their passion for training dogs.

It's time to feed the humans!

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